Valldaura Experimental Vineyard
This section describes the experimental vineyard at FabLab Valldaura, Barcelona, Spain.
The objective of this vineyard project is to:
Implement IoT sensors similar to those used at Costaflores: vinduino, Raspberry WeatherPi, 360º camera, etc.
Design, plant, and cultivate an experimental vineyard for use in testing vineyard robotics.
Provide material (grapes) for the FabLab program.
The preliminary steps this project include:
November-December 2018
Selecting the appropriate candidate land parcels for planting a vineyard at Valldaura (projected 26/11/18).
Excavate test pits (calicatas) at each of the candidate sights (2m deep x 2m long x 1.5m wide)
Collect soil sample from 2m, 1m, .5m, and .25m for chemical and organic analysis.
Film a 4K video of the soil profile.
Evaluate initial CCPAE organic requirements
Plant Vinduino Sensors in the primary test pit(s) and fill in the pits
Implement the Weather Station at the Valldaura house
Incorporate the Weather Station and Vinduino data in the Openvino presentation layer.
January-March 2019
Define irrigation
Clear the selected land for planting test varietals
Soil correction / fertilization
April - May 2019
Evaluate grape varietals to test
Plant test varietals
April - May 2020
Extend test vineyard