Animation Storyboards

Animation Storyboards

OpenVino Intro


  • usar imágenes de tokens MTB18, MTB19, MTB20, MTB21

    Incorporar openvino.exchange (dibujo, no imagen - futuro cambio de colores)

Welcome to OpenVino 

In 2018, the OpenVino project launched the world’s first wine-backed cryptoasset.

On the 6th of May, 2018, Costaflores Organic Vineyard, a boutique winer in Mendoza, Argentina, issued 16384 MTB18 digital tokens, each representing a bottle blended Malbec, Petit Verdot, and Cabernet Sauvignon grapes.

Three years later, in May of 2021, those digital tokens can be redeemed for bottles of wine.

Since then, Costaflores has tokenized more vintages: MTB19, MTB20 and MTB21 

Anyone can BUY, SELL, or REDEEM wine tokens on Viniswap, the Openvino exchange platform.

And starting in 2022, OpenVino is enabling new wineries to tokenize their vintages.

So, Let’s see how it works!

  1. On May 6th of every year, Costaflores issues new wines tokens on Viniswap. The number of tokens issued always corresponds to the number of bottles of wine produced from that vintage.

  2. Between the 6th of May and the 25th of July of each year, tokens can be purchased at “cost price” as published by the winery. This is called the Vintage Coin Offering.

    mostrar boton de compra activa, botón de venta desactivada

  3. Beyond the 25th of July, people can still BUY tokens, but at this point, they can also SELL their tokens on the Viniswap exchange. The value of the tokens are determined by the marketplace…more people buying tokens push up the price, more people selling tokens, drives the price down.

  4. After three years in cold storage, the wines are ready are ready to drink. Token holders have up to 10 years to redeem for wine bottles, or they can alway sell their tokens on viniswap.

  5. To redeem for wine bottles, token holders submit their tokens on viniswap, and pay the shipping fees to have their wine bottles delivered.  Once redeemed, these tokens are burned, as they no longer represent bottles available in the winery. 


To buy and sell tokens on OpenVino you two things!


  • A crypto wallet (like Trust, or Metamask)

  • and some Ether - the base cryptocurrency of the Ethereum blockchain.


To learn how to get started, how to setup your crypto wallet, and find out the different ways to exchange dollars, and euros and pesos into Ether, click on the links below!


10 Things you can do with MTB* wine tokens

(2 minutos)

  1. Buy tokens for bottles you want to buy or sell:

    1. shop


      wine merchant

      can always buy or sell your positions in MTB 

  2. Send wine/crypto gifts to your friends! 

    Use wine tokens to teach your friends about crypto.

    Invest them in a viniswap liquidity pool and earn money while you hodl.

    Trade them - larger P2P sales

    Give away tokens as prizes for online contests, create a smart contract.

    Raffle at zoom events

    Pay your influencers and brand ambassadors.

    Show off your virtual wine cellar, and impress wine-snobs.

    Hodl your tokens until you are ready to drink the wine!

OpenVino logistics - how does it work - exchanging tokens for bottles

(3 minutes)

  1. stakeholders and the ecosystem (the main characters)

    1. winery (Alice) + staff

    2. shipper / forwarder (Bob) 

    3. importer (Clara)

    4. distributor (David)

    5. salesrep / influencer (Enrico)

    6. vinoteca / restaurant (Frank)

    7. Drinker (Gregorio)

    8. ... (Urusula, Mike) 

  2. Next time you are drinking a glass of wine...think about all the people that were involved...

    1. Introduce the characters

    2. map out the sequence of money moving...without OpenVino

      1. Problem: 3 years waiting

      2. Chicken / egg problem (Gregorio: do you have Alice's wine??  Frank: Nope?)

      3. Stocking problem - Frank ordered too much wine!

      4. Heavy taxation - clara paid 2x in importation taxes

      5. Hi RTT time, means more friction - higher costs

    3. map out the sequence of money moving WITH OpenVino

      1. Fulfillment

        1. Alice issues makes wine and issues tokens on the OpenVino.exchange 

        2. George (and friends) by Alice's tokens on the OpenVino.exchange

        3. Alice talks to clara and says...I need to get wine to George...



Alice makes Wine in Argentina...but of course, Alice doesn't do everything on her own! Alice has a whole team of people.

She has people taking care of the grapes, picking the grapes, making the wine, bottling the wine, packaging the wine, counting the wine, selling the wine!

Alice want to ship her wine to her customer in Brazil. Bob is going to move Alice's wine from Argentina to Brazil.

Bob's team is just as complicated as Alice's...to get the wine from Argentina to Brasil, Alice's wine goes through the hands of:

Customs agents near the winery...government inspectors...the driver from the mountains to the sea...the freight forwarder to get the boxes on the boat...

boat, inspector, driver, and customs agent in Brazil...until finally:

Clara imports the wine into Brazil, and sells it David, who sells it to Enrico who bought it from Frank who sells it to Gregorio.

(sigh) .. George drinks.


Line UP: Alice -

Winery → Customs Agent Here → Forwarder → Customs Agent There → Importer → Shipper .→  Distributor →  


Tokenomics with OpenVino - How to buy and sell tokens?

  1. The cryptobroker bank - cryptomkt

  2. cryptomkt - personal wallet

  3. personal wallet - dapps (use of gas)

  4. viniswap and liquidity pools


Storyboard 2.3.18

  1. Costaflores a digital viticulture project by Openvino

  1. Who is Costaflores?

  1. Costaflores makes the MTB Wine

  1. Digital Viticulture

  1. Harvest 2018 and MTB18 Token

  1. Every harvest has its own MTB Token

  1. MTB Tokens Timeline

  1. Final message

Costaflores es un proyecto revolucionario de viticultura digital desarrollado por Openvino (0)

Costaflores es una joven viña orgánica / bodega de Perdriel, Luján de Cuyo, Mendoza. En la finca se cultivan tres tipos de uva: Malbec Petit Verdot i Cabernet Sauvignon (1)



con estas variedades de uva, Costaflores crea el vino MTB*(Mike Tango Bravo) (2)

¿Pero de qué hablamos cuando decimos que Costaflores es un proyecto de viticultura digital? (3)

Aplicando la filosofía open-source traía del mundo de software, Internet of Things y nuevas tecnologías Blockchain, Costaflores se convertirá en la primera primera bodega en el mundo en compartir TODA su información, desde los datos de cultivo de uvas y vinificación (mediante la sensorización de la viña y el inventario de cada una de las tareas que se realizan en cada uno de los procesos), hasta la completa contabilidad y logística de venta. Poniendo al alcance de todos la extrema transparencia, desnudando todas sus prácticas y compartiendo su propiedad intelectual para cualquier observador, aficionado o experto. (3.1, 3.2, 3.3 y 3.4)

podemos acabar con una imagen de la blockchain y los observadores teniendo acceso a toda esa información


Harvest 2018, 1 MTB bottle = 1 MTB18 token

Los días 2, 3 y 4 de Abril de 2018 se cosecharán todas las uvas en Costaflores Organic Vineyard para elaborar el MTB*18. Costaflores creará la primera criptomoneda, el MTB*18, ligada a la producción del vino…(4.1, 4.2 y 4.3)

1 MTB*18 corresponderá a una 1 Botella MTB*18 (5).


Every harvest has its own MTB Token

Cada cosecha anual tendrá su correspondiente criptomoneda MTB*YEAR,

así 2019 tendrá su MTB*19, 2020 tendrá su MTB*20 y así sucesivamente para cada uno de los años y su correspondiente cosecha… (6)



MTB Tokens' timeline

Y así es cuando el 6 de Mayo, Costaflores lanzará su ICO (Initial Coin Offering), donde mostrará al mundo la primera criptomoneda ligada a la producción del vino cosechado en 2018.

La compra de las botellas MTB*18 a través de la criptomoneda MTB*18, estará abierta durante dos semanas, del 6 de mayo hasta el 20 de mayo. (7: 2018)

Una vez completada la ICO, los usuarios podrán intercambiar la criptomoneda MTB*18 por otras criptomonedas como Bitcoin/Ethereum, etc o €/$, etc… pero también podrán RESERVAR sus monedas para la COMPRA de sus botellas MTB*18. (7: 2018)


Como hemos comentamos, cada cosecha tendrá su propia criptomoneda y así se repetirá este mismo proceso: El 6 de Mayo de 2019, Costaflores lanzará su ICO (Initial Coin Offering) al mundo la criptomoneda MTB*19 ligada a la producción del vino cosechado en 2019 y el proceso se repite sucesivamente para el resto de los años…, así la cosecha del 2020 tendrá su MTB*20 y la cosecha del 2021 tendrá su MTB*21... (7: 2019, 2020 y 2021)


CADA TRES AÑOS después del lanzamiento de una ICO sucederá lo que muchos MTB* tokenholders estarán esperando: PODRÁN COMPRAR sus botellas MTB*YEAR

Y es así cuando el 6 de Mayo de 2021, coincidiendo con el lanzamiento de la ICO del MTB*21, los MTB*18 Tokenholders podrán comprar sus botellas MTB*18 mediante sus MTB*18 Tokens… (7: 2021)


6th May 2021!!! People can buy MTB18 wine with its tokens!!!


In 6th May 2021 MTB18 token holders can buy the MTB18 Wine. The MTB18 token holder could be too a person, a restaurant or a distributor, etc.


Si quieres comprar botellas MTB*18 y no dispones de MTB*18 Tokens, podrás cambiarla por otra moneda en el exchange y una vez en tu poder los MTB*18 Tokens las botellas MTB*18 serán tuyas. (A)

Distribuidores, restaurantes, wineshops… que dispongan de MTB*18 podrán adquirir sus botellas MTB*18 mediante sus tokens (B y C)

Aquellos restaurantes y wineshops que no dispongan de MTB*18 podrán adquirirlo por aquellos distribuidores que ya tienen en su poder las botellas MTB*18. (D y E)


A = A MTB18 token holder changing its token with a MTB21 token holder. B = A MTB18 token holder who is a distributor of MTB wine. C = A MTB18 token holder which is a restaurant where they sell MTB wine. D = A Wine shop where they sell MTB wine and they want to buy MTB18 wine but they don't have MTB18 tokens. E = A Restaurant where they sell MTB wine and they want to buy MTB 18 wine but they don't have MTB18 tokens.



The distributor buy MTB18 Wine with his MTB18 tokens and now he can sell it to the restaurant and the wine shop...



y debemos acabar con un mensaje final donde invitemos a todo el mundo a este acontecimiento que por primera vez va a suceder
May 6, 2018! This is the world's first organic wine-backed cryptoasset and you are invited!


Storyboard 19.2.18

That storyboard is inspired by the points that you can find in ICO landing page



This is the world's first organic wine-backed cryptoasset.


We can work with the concept of Gold Value... and of course with the Wine Value!!!


Bitcoin is based on people's trust


The old Dollar was based on Gold Value


The current Dollar is based on Gold Value is based on people's trust


The first organic wine-backed cryptoasset. It is a cryptoasset not a cryptocurrency. You are not investing in a scheme, you are purchasing wine.


How it works?


When we do the 2018 harvest...


We will produce 10.000 bottles of MTB Wine...


It could be very visual in that way. We show the Costaflores finca and using a blind effect we transform the iconography of the Finca to the bottles of the next stage


And we use the same blind effect to transform that 10.000 bottles to...


our 10.000 MTB18 Tokens!!!


We will issue a new token every year, to coincide with the vintage, i.e. MTB18, MTB19, etc. The quality valuation of wine changes from year to year.


We transform bottles to coins with the same effect.


We will sell the initial wine tokens (MTB18) at cost. This way we are not setting an arbitrary price point. We allow the market to decide the real token (wine) value.


We will sell the initial wine tokens (MTB18) at cost. We are introducing inside the MTB18 cryptoasset all the cost of a MTB wine bottle... and anything more...


Zero Profit, This way we are not setting an arbitrary price point.


We allow the market to decide the real token (wine) value.


The token lifecycle: ICO on May 6, 2018. These tokens will become tradeable on an exchange shortly after.


We follow the chart of the lifecycle of wine explaining how the wine is getting so good to drink it...


The the line of the chart arrive to the finish line (3 years)


Three years later (May 6, 2021) they can be exchanged for bottles of wine.


They are doing the transaction: one MTB18 token x 1 MTB wine bottle after that 3 years


It's the moment to burn the MTB token...


... until the MTB token turns to ashes... (look at the the three Costaflores points in the cap - Costaflores staff)


MTB18 and Ethereum holding their hands... Showing the parity...


During the ICO period, the MTB18 token value will be fixed to a fraction of ETH.



Once a consumer buys the token...


The Token Holder is so happy!


Once a consumer buys the token, this parity is broken... and...


... and the value of the token is market driven.


We invite token holders to learn more about Costaflores.


This is the world's first organic wine-backed cryptoasset.




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