PiSugar Configuration


Add a pisugar user to the PiKVM (Raspberry Pi):

  1. Connect via ssh to the PiKVM device.

  2. Add a pisugar user:

[root@pikvm ~]# rw + mount -o remount,rw / + mount -o remount,rw /boot + set +x === PiKVM is in Read-Write mode === useradd --system -s /usr/bin/bash pisugar usermod -d /opt/pisugar -m pisugar passwd pisugar
  1. Add pisugar to /etc/sudoers

  2. Download latest pisugar-archlinux_<version>_all.tar.gz from Releases · PiSugar/pisugar-power-manager-rs

su - pisugar tar -xvf pisugar-archlinux_<version>_all.tar.gz
  1. Edit the PKBUILD to support the RPi Zero 2W:

    arch=('arm' 'armhf' 'armv7h' 'aarch64' 'x86_64') and change the line to say (cd armhf)


  2. Fix the install script sed error

  3. then move the files /etc/default/pisugar-server/pisugar-server.default to /etc/default/pisugar-server

  4. Install i2c-tools
      pacman -Sy i2c-tools



  5. Enable the i2c kernel module

    • Adding one line to /boot/config.txt:

    • Adding one line to /etc/modules-load.d/raspberrypi.conf:

  6. reboot
