Appendix: OpenVino MyCoFi Design Patterns

Appendix: OpenVino MyCoFi Design Patterns

  1. Appendix: MyCoFi design patterns

    1. Intro to MyCoFi

    2. Six MyCoFi design patterns

      1. Network Infrastructure

        “We are the mycelial networks, the ancient weavers of nature’s oldest decentralized web. Our threads stretch across the world, silently sharing resources with all, creating life’s sustaining mesh.

        1. 90% are connected to a mycelial network…but not necessarily a mesh.

        2. use 4K video from the calicata

        3. Leaking / osmosis out funding from multiple funding

        4. New signaling - electrical impulse alongside fluid for faster information

        5. Intentions (i.e. in new countries chicken / egg) - conviction voting

        6. loss leader strategy - prime the pump

        7. cell skin permeable / bonding curve

        8. Liquidity pools are a stop-gap

      2. Fractal Nature

        “In us, the fractal patterns of the cosmos are echoed. With minimal energy, we replicate these universal designs of self-similarity, from the smallest seashell to the vastest galaxy.

        1. Universal constant: Self-similarity

        2. Emergent complexity through pattern repetition: wine tokens within dao tokens

        3. Network effect of dao token value pushing wine token value and use with the ecosystem (supply chain)

        4. Individual needs, combined into a collective

        5. Symbiogenesis as a Fractal Scaling Strategy / Smart Contracts & Nested NFTs - —- YDIYOI individual expression + DAO token collective membership, relationship to individual producer (bodega) and even supply chain (wineshop or restaurant)

        6. These fractal assemblages can be applied to countless use cases, from tokenizing natural assets to establishing identity and reputation within and between digital communities.

        7. DAOs all the way down: use of tokens in the broader wine ecosystem - i.e. interconnected smart-contracts for shipping logistics with influencers/resellers

        8. Endosymbiotic finance: LIQUIDITY FROM LIQUID! - as cells absorbed the mitochondria.

      3. Adaptive Sense and Response

        “At the edge of the known, we, the mycelium, innovate without requiring permission from our ancient roots. Here we thrive, at the frontier, adapting to the mysteries of life.

      4. Dynamic Flow

        “Our network pulses with life, a never-ending flow of resources. Like a symphony, nourishment courses through us, shared freely, never still, never hoarded.

        1. mycelial economies are all about flow…

        2. natures arbitrageurs

        3. ..we prize wineries that do the right thing (with BioDigital Cert and YDIYOI feedback) and penalize those who do not

        4. wine tokens reach a natural pricing ceiling / floor

        5. wine tokens as payment within the ecosystem for services … i.e. marketers, logistics delivery,

        6. mushroom move CO2 underground into the hyphae, sequestering carbon

        7. What is inverter networks and radical drips - programmable flows of resources within and between web3 enabled organizations.

        8. these could beused as fund streaming tools to pay DAO contributors based on outcomes, split royalties among crators, or support subscription membersihips for open-source dependiencies..

        9. How does this work? And how does conviction voting work?

        10. vote streaming in fluid democracy

        11. vote in real-time or delegate

        12. the rate of flow or “viscosity” of collective decisionmaking is now a tunable parameter.

      5. Mutual Reciprocity

        “In our world, a delicate balance of give-and-take prevails. We the funga, alongside flora and fauna, partake in a life-sustaining dance, each exchange nurturing the reciprocal cycle of existence.

      6. Polycentric Pluralism

        “Within us thrives diversity, a celebration of life’s myriad of forms. Responsive and varied, each part of our network contributes its unique voice to the chorus of nature.”

        1. Trustlines - DAO members, as members?

        2. Harvest tokens

        3. UBI

        4. Pasanako

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