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Two videos:


OpenVinoDAO - buidling a community of wine producers, resellers, enthusiasts and consumersdrinkers.

Slide de texto:

OpenVino (logo)

presents OpenVino DAO, a blockchain based organization that is collectivly owned and controlled by its members

Wine is a huge, global business…

—2 wine makers, male and female (rural chic clothing?) clink glasses of wine. Both have wine colored hats on. Change angle to see them from above, zoom out with rapidly increasing number of wine-colored hats

with wine drinkers around the world, consuming nearly 30,000,000,000 bottles per year.

—continue zooming out, yellow dots appear representing consumers, far greater number than wine makers.

(Change FROM dollars to bottles)

And the wine business is complex, with many moving parts…and parts

…and with moving parts you get friction.

Front view of wine makers, they stand at one end of bottling machine, consumers ( yellow hats) stand at the other end. Bottles moves along bottling machine to waiting consumers but gears get stuck and conveyor belt jars

OpenVino lubricates this friction, by providing 21st century tools that change transforming how wineries:

  • sell wine,

  • how they can certify their productions,
    and ultimately,

  • how they connect with their customers.

wine hat (MTB) applies oil to gears, conveyor belt moves smoothly, everyone happy)

These The OpenVino solutions,
which are FREE for wineries to deploy,

wine Tokenization,
Transparency, and

with Tokenization:
wineries can create their own
wine-backed cryptoassets -
essentially, creating “Liquidity from Liquid”

Extreme Transparency enables to wineries self-certify their production with using BioDigital Certification

and with vine-wine-dine-mind Traceability: inviting wineries invite consumers into the community, connecting wine makers with wine drinkers. “You Drink it, You Own It”

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Tokenization: wineries can create wine-backed cryptoasset

(when tokenization box highlighted:
underneath - “Liquidity from Liquid”

Transparency: self-certify with BioDigital Certification

(when Transparency box highlighted:
underneath - “BioDigital Certification”

Traceability: connect with your customers with “You Drink it, You Own It” NFTs

(when Transparency box highlighted:
underneath - “You Drink It, You Own It”

An estimated 70.000 wineries exist around the world, producing hundreds of thousands of new wine labels every year.

We want to grow OpenVino to reach 300 wineries, building a community, which can then ferment a global, sustainable network effect OpenVinoDAO is the catalyst for fermenting a global wine community, building and nurtuing

wine producers, and resellers-….

wine drinkers and enthusiasts -

and truly empower global coordination -

acá lo que queremos mostrar son todos los países que producen vino / queremos mostrar que es un negocio global

puede ser un mapa mundo con pop up de copa vino/o botella/ o uva

podemos poner por ejemplo mas en Francia, Italia, españa que producen más….

Francia,España, Italia, USA (California), Argentina, China, Australia, Chile, Sudafrica, Alemania, Portugal, Australia, Rusia, Rumania, Nueva Zelanda, Brasil, Uruguay

(Lucas, sugerencias:

70.000 por detrás del mundo

2024 arranca hasta 2028

300 bodegas, el ultimo 0 es el mundo)

To build and nurture this new community of wine producers, and resellers-….wine drinkers and enthusiasts - and truly empower global coordination -

Slide de texto:

To grow, we build COMMUNITY, and we manage this growth with an optimized governance model.

(Lucas sugerencias: formar palabra COMMUNITY con todos los colores de los grupos)

we present OpenVinoDAO!


(copa en alto, estrella fondo como en el video de BioDigital Cert)

a ‘Decentralized Autonomous Organization’.

‘DAO splits into ‘Decentralized Autonomous Organization’.

To understand how this works,

Let's think about how a traditional organization, like a company, works today:

A company is basically made up of three groups of people…those that:

one) develop and produce products and services

two) market and sell products

-camion entrando con uva a bodega/edificio

-wine maker probando vino de barrica

-workers poniendo botellas de vino en caja

2.Market and commercialize their products to customers

Workers hands boxes of wine over to buyer who drives off

3.Spend the money the company makes, or distribute earnings to employees, providers, and shareholders.

Happy wine maker? (boss) suddenly has a bunch of palm-up open hands outstretched in his face. He grabs an Accountant and switches places, leaving him to deal with it

And who are the people that make up an organization? Investors… Workers… Partners…

Accountant hands money over to each in turn. Investors (green). Workers (waving) (blue). Partners (resellers, marketers, providers, (tip of the hat) (red). Switch angle to overhead shot, colors spread to form a pie chart

and let’s not forget… the consumers (orange)

Pie chart opens up and gap is filled with (orange.

preguntar que porcentaje del pie chart le damos a los consumidores?

In a traditional commercial organization, investors own shares of the company (pieces of paper) that may or may not be traded on public stock exchanges. Workers and partners are managed by a corporation, which is defined in a specific jurisdiction, someplace in the world

Each color is highlighted in turn.

The decisions are all made by a corporate board and managers and the consumers…well, they are just consumers…after they give the organization their money and receive their product, they are not longer part of the picture

Yellow part of pie chart squeezed out again and it closes the gap.

But with a DAO… instead of shares in the company, we use digital tokens on the blockchain

Pieces of paper on the Green part of pie chart transform into tokens

texto: digital tokens that can be easily bought and sold

Workers and partners are part of the organization

Tokens appear in other parts of the pie chart

texto: community entity that has no central control

and even consumers can receive DAO tokens, in exchange for their feedback

Pie chart reopens, yellow slice received back, tokens appear on yellow slice

texto: every member gets to have their say

DAO are built on the blockchain, using smarts contracts to define rules and governance tokens that allow people to vote and automatically execute and handle a lot of the infraestructure and decision making, without any of the kind of the centralised overhead of management or papeleo/tramite/ley?

are not subject to any law or regulation?

texto: consensus protocol

aparecen todos los personajes en una misma linea votando con un click

(yo pondría como palabras que aparecen y se van para arriba de ejemplos que se puede hacer tipo: hiring)

subsequent actions are recorded on a transparent and secure blockchain ledger

aparecen palabras: open-source, self-sustainable, transparent, inmutable

(PURCHANSING) holding a DAO token is much more valuable than any other token

aparecen listado/ticks checked:

-membership in the organization

-voting rights

-profits will be redistributed to the shareholders with DAO tokens

-many tokens = many votes = many profits

Find out more at

Be part of OpenVIno DAO?

Find out more at
