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Two videos:

1: ¿What is a DAO?

2: ¿What is OpenVino DAO?

Ya sabiendo como es una DAO como la aplicamos en OpenVino

¿Cómo trabaja OpenVino con la DAO?


Wine is a big business… 



View file

The Voice Over was done by Mitch.




OpenVinoDAO - buidling a community of wine producers, resellers, enthusiasts and drinkers.

Slide de texto:

OpenVino (logo)

presents OpenVino DAO, a blockchain based organization that is collectivly owned and controlled by its members

Wine is a huge, global business…

—2 wine makers, male and female (rural chic clothing?) clink glasses of wine. Both have wine colored hats on. Change angle to see them from above, zoom out with rapidly increasing number of wine-colored hats


and there are a LOT of people drinking that wine, with nearly $400,000,000,000 in annual sales.



with wine drinkers around the world, consuming nearly thirty billion bottles per year.

—continue zooming out, yellow dots appear representing consumers, far greater number than wine makers.




(Change FROM dollars to bottles)


And the wine business is very complex, with many moving parts

…and with moving parts you get lots of friction.



Front view of wine makers, they stand at one end of


bottling machine, consumers ( yellow hats) stand at the other end.


Bottles moves along


bottling machine to waiting consumers but gears get stuck and conveyor belt jars

Audio: What we do at OpenVino is to create tools that can simplify the whole business, reduce friction and make life much easier and more cost effective for everyone involved.


OpenVino lubricates this friction, by transforming how wineries:

  • sell wine,

  • how they certify the authenticity of their productions,
    …and ultimately,

  • how they connect with their customers.

wine hat (MTB) applies oil to gears, conveyor belt moves smoothly, everyone happy)


These solutions are roughly split into Tokenization, Traceability and Transparency. More information on these solutions can be found here…



Web address or location of other documentation


Although these tools are are free for wineries to use around the world, they also generate revenue for Openvino, primarily from a small commission each time wine is bought and sold through the Openvino exchange

People buying and selling selling tokens on openvino exchange, and small drip, drip, drip (wine colored, of course) and pan down below into the OpenVino wallet (a huge glass jar with a $ sign on it) next to the orange hat OpenVino guy.


The more wineries that buy and sell their wine through the exchange, the more revenue OpenVino generates.

more people buying and selling … faster drip into the OpenVino jar until it’s suddenly full. Orange Hat pushes the jar away and replaces quickly with another one.


We want to get to at least 300 wineries by 2028. But…how will we scale OpenVino to match this growth? And how will we manage the OpenVino treasury? And the OpenVino platform?


Zoom out, there are a lot of jars building up. The new jar is filling faster. Orange Hat scratches his head. Pan up, more and more people are using the exchange.


Fortunately, we are in the business of creating solutions to problems exactly like this.


Orange hat pulls out his can of oil.



The OpenVino solutions,

which are FREE for wineries to deploy,

wine Tokenization,
Transparency, and

with Tokenization:
wineries can create their own
wine-backed cryptoassets -
essentially, creating “Liquidity from Liquid”

Extreme Transparency empowers wineries to self-certify their production using BioDigital Certification.

and with vine-wine-dine-mind Traceability: we connect wine makers with wine drinkers.

“You Drink it, You Own It”

Slide de texto:

Tokenization: wineries can create wine-backed cryptoasset

(when tokenization box highlighted:
underneath - “Liquidity from Liquid”

Transparency: self-certify with BioDigital Certification

(when Transparency box highlighted:
underneath - “BioDigital Certification”

Traceability: connect with your customers with “You Drink it, You Own It” NFTs

(when Transparency box highlighted:
underneath - “You Drink It, You Own It”

An estimated 70.000 wineries exist around the world today, producing hundreds of thousands of new wine labels every year.

Bringing this community together, and cultivating a global network effect, is the goal of OpenVinoDAO.

acá lo que queremos mostrar son todos los países que producen vino / queremos mostrar que es un negocio global

puede ser un mapa mundo con pop up de copa vino/o botella/ o uva

podemos poner por ejemplo mas en Francia, Italia, españa que producen más….

Francia,España, Italia, USA (California), Argentina, China, Australia, Chile, Sudafrica, Alemania, Portugal, Australia, Rusia, Rumania, Nueva Zelanda, Brasil, Uruguay

(Lucas, sugerencias:

70.000 por detrás del mundo

2024 arranca hasta 2028

300 bodegas, el ultimo 0 es el mundo)

By building and nurturing a decentralized ecosystem for wine producers and resellers

…wine drinkers and enthusiasts

OpenVinoDAO can truly empower global coordination in an industry that has accompanied human flourishing for the past 10,000 years.

Slide de texto:

To grow, we build COMMUNITY, and we manage this growth with an optimized governance model.


(Lucas sugerencias: formar palabra COMMUNITY con todos los colores de los grupos)

Today we present OpenVinoDAO!





Wait…what is A DAO?


Zoom in past “OpenVino” to the “DAO” part.


OK…A DAO is a ‘Decentralized Autonomous Organization’. And A DAO can basically do the same things as any company.

(copa en alto, estrella fondo como en el video de BioDigital Cert)


‘Decentralized Autonomous Organization’.

‘DAO splits into ‘Decentralized Autonomous Organization’.


A company is a basically is a group of people that do three things: 1) Manage the development and production of the products they sell.



To understand how groundbreaking this is,

let's first think about how a traditional organization, like a company, a corporation, works today:

Companies are basically made up of three groups of people…those that:

one) develop and produce products and services

-camion entrando con uva a bodega/edificio

-wine maker probando vino de barrica

-workers poniendo botellas de vino en caja

two) market and sell those products and services to customers

Workers hands boxes of wine over to buyer who drives off



  1. Market and commercialize their products to customers.


Wine maker hands bottle of wine to Creative who then switches on a Powerpoint presentation and addresses a team of people sitting at computer desks.


and three)

distribute the sales earnings to employees, providers, investors and shareholders.


Happy wine maker? (boss) suddenly has a bunch of palm-up open hands outstretched in his face. He grabs an Accountant and switches places, leaving him to deal with it.


And who are the people that make up an organization? Investors… Workers… Partners…

So…we can say that organizations are basically made up of

workers and partners, managers, investors,,

Accountant hands money over to each in turn. Investors (green). Workers (waving) (blue). Partners (resellers, marketers, providers, (tip of the hat) (red). Switch angle to overhead shot, colors spread to form a pie chart





the customers

Pie chart opens up and gap is filled with




preguntar que porcentaje del pie chart le damos a los consumidores?

In a traditional commercial organization, investors own shares of the company (by holding pieces of paper) that may or may not be traded on a public stock



These companies have workers and partners


managed by administrators, according to rules set by a


corporate board…and defined by the jurisdiction, the place in the world, where the company was established.


Each color is highlighted in turn.







customers…well, they are just



Normally, once they give


their money to the company and receive their product, they are


usually no longer part of the picture.


Yellow part of pie chart squeezed out again and it closes the gap.



Now….with a DAO… instead of shareholders and shares in


a company,


digital tokens are issued and distributed on


a public blockchain.

These digital tokens both convey a percentage of ownership (and revenue) in the DAO, as well as identifying members of the community.

These tokens can also be used for governance - for voting rights and decision making, to different degrees.

Pieces of paper on the Green part of pie chart transform into tokens




texto: digital tokens that can be easily bought and sold

In effect, organization workers and external partners can become become part of the




Tokens appear in other parts of the pie chart


texto: community entity that has no central control

and even consumers, our customers, can receive DAO tokens, for example, in exchange for their feedback


and information.

So then, by owning OpenVinoDAO tokens, a community member is entitled a percentage of OpenVino revenue and decision making.

Pie chart reopens, yellow slice received back, tokens appear on yellow slice



Now lets look see how OpenVinoDAO works: At the initial creation of the DAO we create 10M OpenVinoDAO tokens.


Curtain unveiling to reveal OpenVinoDAO written on a white board. Zoom into the board closer and closer until you see it is actually composed of millions of puzzle pieces.


These 10M tokens are distributed four ways:

2.5M tokens are placed in an OpenVinoDAO OPERATIONS wallet


Zoom back out again and a quarter of the OpenVino board separates as one large puzzle piece and we pan across with it as it is deposited in the OPERATIONS wallet.


2.5M tokens are sold to investors


Another piece breaks of the board and we pan across to a mixed group of investors who hold out varying sizes of fiat or ETH tokens. As the piece moves it begins to break up up into multiple tiny pieces and disperses to the waiting queue.


2.5M tokens are held in an ATTRACTOR wallet 


Another quarter piece breaks off and is moved to the ATTRACTOR wallet, which has a magnet on it. 


and 2.5M tokens are held by the OpenVino founders


Orange hat claims the final quarter.


As revenue comes into OpenVino, these funds are distributed proportionally into OpenVinoDAO token holders’ wallets. 


Orange hat operates a machine that tips the huge jars into a funnel, which is connected to a series of pipes that each end above one of the wallets or go to the investors (not sure how best represents them visually as unequal shares involved depending on amount of investment.


Token holders are free at any time to exchange their tokens for tradable crypto currency, 


incoming investors dumping money onto scales - balancing OpenVinoDAO tokens with external fiat


And Decisions on how the the Operations wallet is spent is managed by budget proposals that the DAO participants proportionately vote on.



texto: every member gets to have their say

For an investor, OpenVinoDAO provides clearly defined entry and exit options and oversight capability.

For the wineries, partners, and wine drinkers, the customers,

these economic incentives exist as well, but more importantly being a OpenVino token holder provides them with access to a community and OpenVino’s technology and tools.

texto: consensus protocol

aparecen todos los personajes en una misma linea votando con un click

(yo pondría como palabras que aparecen y se van para arriba de ejemplos que se puede hacer tipo: hiring)

aparecen palabras: open-source, self-sustainable, transparent, inmutable

OpenVinoDAO will enable the GLOBAL transformation of the wine industry, growing into a dynamic and lucrative ecosystem, providing real value to wine producers, wine drinkers, investors, partners, builders and every other participant that joins from today’s wine supply-chain.

aparecen listado/ticks checked:

-membership in the organization

-voting rights

-profits will be redistributed to the shareholders with DAO tokens

-many tokens = many votes = many profits

To find out how you can become a part of OpenVinoDAO,

uncork your favorite wine, and visit OpenVino.ORG

Be part of OpenVIno DAO?

Find out more at