The OpenVino Project



"As advances in technology rapidly transform our world, the wine business, often perceived as an arcane mix of immutable tradition and arbitrary complexity, will not be exempt. The OpenVino® Project seeks to revolutionize the way wine is thought about, sold, and consumed. We are actively seeking participants from the technology and wine worlds and the press to explore new ways to talk about organic viticulture, transparency and ethical business practices, blockchain trading technologies and new models of ownership and value assessment. Whether your interests lie in wine, technology or business, organic viticulture, cryptocurrencies or product distribution, we invite you to explore The OpenVino Project."

 What is the OpenVino project?

OpenVino is a collection of open-source software packages, business processes and designs, currently under construction by a global team of idealists. While the first implementation of Openvino is developed as a proof-of-concept for the Costaflores boutique winery in Mendoza, Argentina, subsequent versions available in 2022 are freely available for other wineries in the world. Here is an in-depth project overview.

What are the objectives and requirements?

Here we have laid out our project objectives and requirements in 6 information silos. 

  1. Growing the Grapes – all things about organic viticulture.

  2. Making and Delivery the Wine – from the crush and bottling, to storing, shipping and exporting.

  3. Managing the Business – general accounting, inventory, financial, personnel, taxes

  4. Selling Wine-backed Cryptocurrency – using the blockchain to build customer-defined pricing

  5. You Drink It, You Own it – how customers respond to their drinking experience

  6. Telling our Story – Getting the word out


August 2017

First Presentation at Organic World Congress – New Delhi

May 2018

First Vintage Coin Offering – MTB18 wine token issuance

July 2021

First wine bottles redeeemed for tokens

January 2021

BioDigital Cert incubator with Kleros, Lisbon

June 2022

BioDigital Cert launch at EthCC, Paris and Areni, Cape Town

July 2022

Five new wineries onboarded with OpenVino

March 2023

VeriVin Vprint spectroscopy integration

July 2024

Self-provisioning platform for wineries and native app for tokens

July 2024

Gameification for YDIYOI share-holders and metaverse wineriees

What is our technical architecture?

Here are the pieces we are putting together, and here is the cookbook we are writing as we go forward.

How is the OpenVino project managed?

Loosely, but here is our project methodology.

How can I get involved? 

After you have read our documentation, let us know where and how you would like to collaborate. Send a message to



  • Ciclo "Futuros Emergentes", Buenos Aires, June 21

  • Charla virtual “OpenVino” Universidad Austral, Buenos Aires, June 7

  • #cafevirtual, “Transparencia trazabilidad y tokenización para viñas con  blockchain”, Zoom, Santiago de Chile, April 19

  • Kleros Pitch Day, Zoom, April 6


  • “Proyectando tu vida Profesional” Consejo Profesional de Ciencias Económicas, Buenos Aires, November 25

  • Ciclo de charlas “Wake up!” VSPT, Google Meet, November 25

  • 2da Convención Internacional de Hongos,, Bahía Blanca, November 17 - 19

  • #Wine Com, Vinos Navarra, Navarra, November 18

  • Uso de Blockchain en procesos productivos, UTN F.R. La Plata and Ser Industria, Zoom, October 21

  • Explaining OpenVino, Executive MBA students, IAE Business School, Zoom, October 14

  • Eth Santiago, September 23

  • Trazabilidad Digital, Congreso CREA, Buenos Aires, September 14 - 16

  • EthCC - Paris, July 19 - 21

  • Forum at Hochschule Geisenheim University, ‘How does wine get on the Blockchain?’, Mainz, July 15th

  • Areni Live 2022, Stellenbosch, July 12 - 14

  • Wine Innovation Summit, Mendoza, YouTube, May 26

  • Puentes hacia el Mundo Digital, Zoom, May 17

  • Update on Costaflores - Openvino, Zoom, May 4

  • Criptomonedas y Vino, Radio San Patricio, Santa Fe, April 29

  • Charla tokenizacion de vinos para Bodegas, April 22

  • Firma convenio con INV, Mendoza, April 5

  • UNCUYO, Blockchain y vitivinicultura, Mendoza, April 4

  • Areni Global podcast, March 22

  • Entrega de Premios 2022 INV, March 4. Winner in Innovation and Technology cathegory


  • Cata Vertical, De Luca, Buenos Aires, December 8

  • Qual é a relação entre IoT, blockchain e vinho?, Seal, Youtube, June 24

  • Launch of MTB21 Token,, May 26 and 27

  • Boston Blockchain Week, meet up, May 26

  • Cata Vertical, Wining, Buenos Aires, April 30

  • Incorporación de Kleros

  • Blockchain Award Latinamerica, Mexico, February 25


  • Block and Nomics, Lemon, Venti, October 29

  • Blockchain Aplicación Práctica, YouTube Ciudad de Mendoza, Mendoza, October 28

  • Openvino - Blockchain al alcance de Todos, Universidad de Zaragoza, October 15

  • Foro CYTED, INTA, Mendoza, September 24

  • Patricio Santos y Juan Argerich, virtual meeting, Septermber 17

  • Experiencia Vinilo, Cafe Vinilo, Buenos Aires, September 12

  • Fête de Vin, Mendoza, September 12

  • Brinda Experience, Zoom, September 12

  • OpenVino and Vertical tasting at Sofitel, Montevideo, September 6

  • Keynote speech at Blockchain Summit Uruguay, Montevideo, September 5

  • Vino y Criptomonedas, Rubi Wines, virtual meeting, August 28

  • Crypto Webinar Series, Blockchain Academy Mexico, Youtube, August 18

  • Master class at Universidad Palermo, Buenos Aires, August 26

  • Monologue at El Arenal theatre, Buenos Aires, August 25

  • Openvino / Vinophonics presentation at Cava de Don Juan, Buenos Aires, August 24

  • Wine events in Curitiba, Porto Alegre and Montevideo, August 20-22

  • Interview with Radio Andina - Mendoza, August 12

  • Vinophonics at Sonar+D, Barcelona, July 17-20

  • Areni Institute annual meeting, Bordeaux, July 4-5-6

  • Naturebas, Sao Paulo, June 29-30

  • Evvai, Sao Paulo, June 27

  • Dionysos, Sao Paulo, June 26

  • Museu da Gula, Riberão Preto, June 25

  • GB Vinhos, Brasilia, June 23

  • Vini Vinhos, Brasilia, June 22

  • Paraguay OpenVino wine dinner with Oliver Gayet, Asunción, June 20

  • Vino la entrevista, Enológicas, YouTube, April 14

  • Bodegas Costaflores y Catas Nomades, Zoom, April 12

  • Crypto y Cuarentena, La Bitcoineta, YouTube, April 1

  • Rudá Serra y Costaflores Organic Vineyard, IG, April 2

  • Vinnovación, Municipalidad de la Ciudad de Mendoza, March 13

  • EthCC - Paris, 5 March  

  • SAW Festival, Wining, Buenos Aires, February 29

  • Blockchain Spirirt, Barcelona, February 27

  • Vinophonics, Bridge 48 Studios, Barcelona, February 20

  • Festival de Vinos y Vinilos, Buenos Aires, February 19

  • VinExpo Paris 2020 - "Moët Hennessy at Vinexpo: Tech off the Fields", February 11

  • Verano en Canción, Cafe Vinilo, Buenos Aires, January 8


  • Feria de Bodegas Ricardo Santos, Mendoza, December 7

  • Vinophonics at Sonar, Barcelona, June 17 to 20

  • Curso Blockchain Básico Empresarial, Santa Fé, June 19

  • Le Sommelier, Locro! Mayo 25

  • Blockchain Institute & Technology: Movistar Center, Barcelona, April 30

  • The "Design Your Thinking" podcast

  • The London Technology Club, "The Future of Wine", London, April 25

  • Bitcoin Day Córdoba, April 4

  • Openvino / Vinophonics / Ripio, Campus Olegario, Mendoza, March

  • Blockchain Jornada, CIAC, Barcelona, March 7

  • Ethereum Community Conference, March 5-7

  • Dallas OpenVino legal team meeting, March 4

  • Blockchain Summit Hong Kong, February 28

  • Meetup with Chef Nishant Choubey, New Delhi, February 27

  • Reliance Industries OpenVino presentation, Mumbai, February 25

  • OpenVino - AI meetings, Bangalore, February 23-24

  • Ferrovial OpenVino presentation, Madrid, February 21

  • BlockchainTalks, Amsterdam, February 19

  • OPENTALKS, RedHat, Barcelona, February 6


  • LaBitconf, Santiago, Chile, December 6

  • MTB Tasting and OpenVino presentation, Coronel Suarez, November 30

  • Bitcoinday Lima, November 29

  • FCB, Barcelona, November 27

  • Openvino: Presentant el primer criptoasset del món rescolzat en vi, Ajuntament de Terrassa, November 26

  • Cuatrecasas, Junta de Socios, Madrid, November 23

  • OpenVino Cata - Cave Suiça, Sao Paulo, November 20

  • C20 Conferencia Bitcoin + Blockchain, Buenos Aires, November 16-17

  • Mesa redonda, Universidad Internacional de La Rioja, Logroño, Spain, October 1

  • GrausTIC - DiadaTIC, Barcelona, September 27

  • ROMI-Project workshop, Barcelona, September 21

  • OpenVino seminar at Cuatrecasas, Barcelona, September 21

  • Mesa Redonda, Bloomium, DayOne La Caixa, September 18

  • Bitcoin Day - Monterrey, Mexico, August 16

  • Naturebas, Sao Paulo, August 4

  • Wine Tour Urbano, Buenos Aires, Argentina, August 3

  • Conector / Slash Mobility - Barcelona, July 19

  • Cata de Ideas - Zaragoza, July 19

  • Forum - Berlin, June 21

  • ISACA webcast, June 7

  • Go Madrid CataPop Blockchain - Madrid,  Spain, May 17

  • Presentation OpenVino - Sun Party, Madrid, Spain, May 16

  • Presentation OpenVino and wine tasting - Vinoteca La Bodega Luján, Buenos Aires, April 19

  • Presentation OpenVino and wine tasting - Vinoteca Epicureos, Buenos Aires, April 18

  • Presentation OpenVino and wine tasting - La Malbequería, Buenos Aires, April 17

  • Press Presentation OpenVino -  Falena, Buenos Aires, April 6

  • Bitcoin Day - Buenos Aires, April 5

  • Bitcoin Talk, Campus Olegario, Mendoza, March 27

  • Universidad Nacional de Cuyo, Mendoza, March 23

  • 2° Congreso Internacional del Rosado, Peñafiel, Spain, March 13

  • Ethereum Conference, Paris, March 8-10



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