

Install Apache server.

First, clean-up yum:

[root@charlie ~]# yum clean all

Update our packages:

[root@charlie ~]# yum -y update

Install Apache:

[root@charlie ~]# yum -y install httpd

Add to start:

Firewall Add ports:

Reload firewall rules:

List rules:

Create new VirtualHost:


Install Wget:

Install unzip:

Install MySQL:

Init MySQL server:

Secure install:

Run the mysql_secure_installation script to address several security concerns in a default MySQL installation.

Add to start:

Edit config file /etc/my.cnf

Follow the guide from https://confluence.atlassian.com/doc/database-setup-for-mysql-128747.html


Create Confluence data base:

Install JAVA JDK

Install Confluence 6.0.3

Copy MySQL connector

Create new user only for confluence

Verify Confluence user

CONF_USER="confluence" # user created by installer

export CONF_USER

Modify user privileges

Edit file to start/stop Confluence

Start Confluence

Stop Confluence


Install Confluence by browser

Enter the provisional url http://newwiki.costaflores.com/ or better with the local IP directly to avoid timeout errors 


Select "Product Installation" and click "Next" button.


Click "Next" button.


First click "Get an evaluation license" to obtain a license, we copy and paste it and press the "Next" button.



Select "MySQL" and click "External Database" button.


Click "Direct JDBC" button.

Setup Database

  • Driver Class Name: com.mysql.jdbc.Driver

  • Database URL: jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/admincp_confluence?useUnicode=true&characterEncoding=UTF8&sessionVariables=storage_engine=InnoDB

  • User Name: admincp_conflu

  • Password: ·············


Create the site export file in old server

To create an XML export of your site:

  1. Go to  > General Configuration > Backup & Restore.

    Choose Archive to backups folder to store a copy of the backup in the same folder as Confluence's backups
    If you do not archive the backup it will be made available for you to download, and then deleted from the server after 24 hours.

    Choose Backup attachments to include attachments in your backup.

    Choose Backup.
    The process can take some time.


If you repeatedly experience timeout errors, try creating the export directly from the server. This will speed up the process and prevent timeouts.

For example, use this URL: directly.

What's included in the export?

The site export includes spaces (including pages, blogs, comments, attachments, and unpublished changes), users and groups.  Essentially everything in your site except add-ons. 

Retrieving the site export file

Confluence will create the backup as a zipped XML file in your <home-directory>/backups> directory. You'll need access to the Confluence server itself in order to retrieve this file.

Restore backup on a new server CHARLEI

Go to  > General Configuration > Backup & Restore.


Select the zip file to restore and click "Restore" button.

Configuring the Site Home Page

To use a page as your site home page:

  1. Go to  > General Configuration > Further Configuration.

    Choose Edit.

    Select a space from the Site Homepage dropdown menu. 
    When users log in or click the site logo, Confluence will go to the home page of the space you choose here.

    Choose Save.



Turning off Collaborative editing and Synchrony

To prevent the error "Unable to communicate with server. Saving is not possible at the moment."

  1. Go to  > General Configuration > Administration > Collaborative Editing.

  2. In "editing mode" block, choose "Change mode".

  3. Turn off. 


Configure SMTP email server

  1. Go to  > General Configuration > Mail Servers. This will list all currently configured SMTP servers.

    Click Add New SMTP Server (or edit an existing server).

    • Edit the following fields as required:

      • Name: By default, this is simply 'SMTP Server'.

        From Address: Enter the email address that will be displayed in the 'from' field for email messages originating from this server.
        This field is mandatory. This must be an ordinary email address, you can't enter variables in this field. 

      • From Name: Enter the name that will be displayed in the 'from' field for email messages originating from this server. This is the text which appears before the user's registered email address (in square brackets).
        This field accepts the following variables, which reference specific details defined in the relevant Confluence user's profile:

      • Subject Prefix: Enter some text to appear at the beginning of the subject line.

Enter your Hostname, Port, User name and Password details.

Host: smtp.fatcow.com
Port: 587
username: openvino@costaflores.com
Password: ******
Protocol: TLS

Transfer license to new ServerID - Updating your license

If you change your license (for example to a license with more users), or migrate from another server and you will need to update your license. 

To update your Confluence license:

  1. Go to  > General Configuration > License Details

    Enter your new license in the License field.

    Choose Save.



Crontab entry on Charlie:

Remove Confluence old backup zip file

Edit file /home/confluence/scripts/removeOldBackups.sh


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