You Drink It, You Own It: Requirements

You Drink It, You Own It: Requirements

We want to crowd-source quality opinions, collect consumer's data (know who/where/when/why they are drinking the wine), and convert consumers into interested stakeholders (owners). 

The shares are simply another type of coin (OpenVino token) that represent participation in a trust (fideicomiso) fraction of the company, and symbolically represents 1 grape from the vineyard, from an initial 1,200,000 stock issue.

The rules of the company, as stipulated in the Managing the Business section, will define rules, that might include that the equivalent of 25% of profits for the year will be distributed to shareholders (OpenVino token holders) as dividends, to be paid in winecoin. Another 25% of the profits might be spent on stock repurchasing, based on the current market value of the stockcoin. These rules could be changed, as voted upon by stockholders in a DAO model.  

OpenVino WebApp site

The data that is collected is stored on an OpenVino secure database. Only certain information in this database is shared with the winery (i.e. Costaflores). The confidential data is used for the Trust (fideicomiso) between OpenVino SAS and the winery. 

How does it work for a first time drinker: 

  1. The drinker buys a bottle of wine. This can be through the traditional channel (purchased at a restaurant in fiat, for example), or by exchanging winecoins for bottles that are shipped to the drinker's home. 

  2. The drinker reads a "click-bait" phrase on the back label, such as: "if you drink this bottle, you own it, see the QR code or URL for details." 

  3. The drinker is directed to the OpenVino site, which explains the program.

  4. The drinker needs to input personal information to register with

  • First and Last (names)

  • email address

  • Legal address

  • Birthdate

  • ID number (DNI, passport number, etc.)

  • username 

  • password

  • location (ask to capture location)

  • profile picture or avatar

  1. The site directs the drinker to read the

unique identifier from the bottle. 

  1. The site then directs the drinker to take a selfie, and answer 5 multiple choice questions. 

  2. Finally, the site shows the drinker a confirmation that they are now shareholders in the company. 

  3. Drinkers receive a welcome email explaining more details about the company, the program, etc. - providing further instructions to provide a token wallet address.

  4. The actual transfer of OpenVino tokens is performed manually, by the OpenVino team, once the drinker registration data is validated. 

For recurring drinkers, the process is similar, but the drinker is already registered and doesn't need to repeat the registration process.

This initially is done with a responsive site, but all functions should eventually be folded into an independent app with a built-in wallet.

OpenVino WebApp

The YDIYOI OpenVino WebApp allows us to do the following OpenVino operations: 

  • Scan the QR code on the bottle

  • Take a selfie.

  • Answer questions or star ratings.

  • Provide personal information for user registration

  • Capture location.

  • Input the unique codes from the bottle.

  • Create a username, password, and avatar image (this is data shared with the winery)

OpenVino App - management backend

The data collected in the OpenVino WebApp should be stored in a database maintained on an OpenVino server. A user interface for this database should allow an authenticated and authorized OpenVino admin user to:

Receive notifications of new YDIYOI bottle registrations, with a unique transaction ID and registration timestamp
Include a status field of

  • NEW (a newly registered bottle)

  • APPROVED (The drinker information has been validated, but the legal inclusion in the fideicomiso is pending)

  • PENDING  (Information is required for the drinker profile, either because the drinker information is incomplete, not validated, or has been modified by the drinker)

  • ISSUED (The fideicomiso information has been updated)

The OpenVino admin should have the capacity to change any of the drinker information and status fields, as well as delete drinker profiles or create new ones manually.

Functional requirements for the OpenVino YDIYOI site:








Scan QR code on bottle. The QR code should take the reader to the WebApp site, and begin the registration process with the bottle serial number. If the user has already registered, the option to login should be provided. A "keep me logged in" option should be available.





Input a specific numerical identifier that is hidden in the bottle






Register the user information in an OpenVino database for OpenVino token issuance.

  • First and Last (names)

  • email address

  • Legal address

  • Birthdate

  • ID number (DNI, passport number, etc.)

  • username 

  • password

  • location (ask to capture location)

  • profile picture or avatar





Take a photo, and ask 5 questions about the drinking experience.





Send OpenVino tokens to a wallet address. (this will be done manually initially)





Ask for permission to use location services.





Create user credentials, password reset, username (to be shared with the winery), avatar image.





Allow users to update their information. If information is updated, a manual check needs to be performed by the backoffice to insure that legal requirements are still met for the shares.





The user should be able to add/modify the address of an ERC20 compatible wallet for receiving the OpenVino tokens.



You Drink It, You Own It - WebApp v2





















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