Prediction Markets

Prediction Markets

By using the Wisdom of the Crowd, we might be able to predict the future prices of MTB* tokens. 

Several different blockchain-based prediction markets currently exist. 

For Costaflores, prediction challenges might include questions like:

  • What will be the price of the MTB18 token in May of 2021? 2025?

  • What will be the volume of the 2019 harvest?

  • What will be the peak token price, of any token, between 2018 and 2028?

Having the wisdom of the crowd address those questions is interesting because it might provide insight into the token price and wine production trends well in advance. Then again, it might also show how little we know (or can predict) about tokenized assets. 

To avoid diminishing the transparency and openness efforts behind Openvino, any predictions should follow some rules:

  • Predictions should be based on available or obtainable information, such as dashboard data or historical data (i.e. not pure guess-work).

  • Prediction markets should not create the impression that the tokenization of wines at Costaflores is really the creation of a futures market.

  • And predictions markets must not add questions of legality to the MTB* tokenization process by association with gambling.

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