Installing and configuring Metamask

Installing and configuring Metamask

In this section, we guide you through the necessary steps to install and configure the Metamask wallet for MTB* tokens.

This process is simple, though we admit it is not as simple as it should be. The reason this is more complex than necessary is because cryptocurrencies are new to the world, and some streamlining remains to be done. Congratulations! You are part of the vanguard of technology!

What is Metamask?

Metamask is a digital wallet that allows you to store Ethereum-based cryptocurrencies.

Why do I need Metamask?

You need Metamask to store Ether (ETH) and MTB* tokens. 

Where do I install Metamask?

You install Metamask on your PC (Windows, Mac, Linux), because the application runs as a browser plug-in for Chrome or Firefox.

Metamask is also now available as smartphone app, however If you would like a smartphone wallet, we recommend you try Trust.

If you have not already installed Chrome or Firefox, you can choose between these installation instructions:

  • Install Chrome

  • Install Fireforex

How do I install Metamask?

Step 1

Using your chrome or firefox browser, go here: https://metamask.io

Step 2

From within your Chrome browser, click on “Add to Chrome”:




From within your Firefox browser, click on "Get Firefox Addon"

MetaMask – Get this Extension for 🦊 Firefox (en-US)

Step 3

Now you can see that Metamask has been installed, observing the orange fox icon in the upper-right corner:

Creating your wallet

Step 1

Click on the Metamask icon in the upper-right corner:

Step 2

Read and accept the terms and conditions.

Step 3

Click on “Create a new vault”, or “Create new wallet”. This depends on your browser. 

(This might take a few minutes)

Step 4

Enter a safe password and click “Ok”.

Step 5

MetaMask will show your the password seed. It is VERY IMPORTANT that you store these 12 words in a safe place, like on a piece of paper within a safe.

Without these words, you will not be able to recover your wallet in case of loss. You will lose all the Ether and MTB* tokens held within. 

Your wallet has been created! You may see that you have a 1 Ether balance. This is because you are connected to a Test Network.


Step 6

Change to the Mainnet.

Step 7

Select “Main Ethereum Network”


Step 8

Metamask will ask you to confirm your password and click “Unlock”


How to configure Metamask to receive MTB19 tokens 

Step 1

Click on the Metamask icon, located in the upper-right corner.

Step 2

Make sure we are connected to the Main Ethereum Network (Mainnet).

Step 3

Click on the “Tokens” tab, and then select “Add token”.



Step 4

Fill out the form with the following values:

  • Token Contract Address: 0x6a2f414E1298264ecD446D6Bb9Da012760336A4f

  • Token Symbol: MTB20

    Decimals of Precision: 18

Click “Add”




Step 5

You should now see in the Tokens tab your MTB20 balance!



How can I receive MTB20 or ETH?

Step 1

Click on the three dots to the right of the wallet name (i.e., Account 1).

Step 2

Select “Copy Address to clipboard”.

This is the address of our wallet.

Ethereum wallet addresses have a format that looks something like this:  0x1234455678890022e58591B2e526c72143b5814

Step 3


You now have an ERC20-compliant wallet and you are ready to receive ETH or MTB20.

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