Farcaster hubble setup

Farcaster hubble setup

This section describes the steps for adding a farcaster hubble to the netrabrick.

  1. Download and install the hubble docker repository hub-monorepo locally:

mkdir farcaster cd fastercer git clone https://github.com/farcasterxyz/hub-monorepo.git cd hub-monorepo/apps/hubble/
  1. Add docker-compose functionality, if necessary:

sudo apt-get install docker-compose-plugin
  1. Generate your identity key pair with docker compose.

sudo chmod 777 .hub .rocks docker compose run hubble yarn identity create
  1. Create a .env file in apps/hubble with your Ethereum RPC endpoints:

# Set this to your L1 Mainnet ETH RPC URL ETH_MAINNET_RPC_URL=http://geth.dappnode:8545 # Set this to your L2 Optimism Mainnet RPC URL OPTIMISM_L2_RPC_URL=https://eth-sepolia.g.alchemy.com/v2/demo # Set this to your Farcaster FID HUB_OPERATOR_FID="Your Farcaster FID" # For farcaster mainnet: FC_NETWORK_ID=1 BOOTSTRAP_NODE=/dns/nemes.farcaster.xyz/tcp/2282 # For farcaster testnet: FC_NETWORK_ID=2 BOOTSTRAP_NODE=/dns/testnet1.farcaster.xyz/tcp/2282 STATSD_METRICS_SERVER=statsd:8125
  1. Start Hubble with docker compose in detached mode:

docker compose up hubble -d

Docker compose will start a Hubble container that exposes ports for networking and writes data to .hub and .rocks directories. Hubble will now sync with the contracts and other hubble instances to download all messages on the network.

  1. To view the status of the sync and hubble, follow the logs

docker compose logs -f hubble
  1. Follow the instructions in the monitoring instructions to set up Grafana and view your Hub's status in real-time.

  2. To view the status of the sync and hubble, follow the logs

mtb@netrabrick:~/farcaster/hub-monorepo/apps/hubble$ docker compose logs -f hubble hubble-1 | 2024-04-24T21:10:17: PM2 log: Launching in no daemon mode hubble-1 | 2024-04-24T21:10:17: PM2 log: App [hubble:0] starting in -cluster mode- hubble-1 | 2024-04-24T21:10:18: PM2 log: App [hubble:0] online hubble-1 | {"message":"\n Hubble Startup Checks\n","timestamp":"2024-04-24T21:10:19.423Z","type":"out","process_id":0,"app_name":"hubble"} hubble-1 | {"message":"------------------------\n","timestamp":"2024-04-24T21:10:19.424Z","type":"out","process_id":0,"app_name":"hubble"} hubble-1 | {"message":"✅ | Farcaster: 2024.3.20 Hubble: 1.11.8\n","timestamp":"2024-04-24T21:10:19.424Z","type":"out","process_id":0,"app_name":"hubble"} hubble-1 | {"message":"✅ | Detected 62GB of RAM\n","timestamp":"2024-04-24T21:10:19.424Z","type":"out","process_id":0,"app_name":"hubble"} hubble-1 | {"message":"✅ | Directory /home/node/app/apps/hubble/.rocks is writable\n","timestamp":"2024-04-24T21:10:19.424Z","type":"out","process_id":0,"app_name":"hubble"} hubble-1 | {"message":"✅ | Directory /home/node/app/apps/hubble/.hub is writable\n","timestamp":"2024-04-24T21:10:19.424Z","type":"out","process_id":0,"app_name":"hubble"} hubble-1 | {"message":"✅ | Found PeerId 12D3KooWJr4NYAm9429vBqpfvTZMn2Ay68esZ2TZVC8KyMwZFwUC\n","timestamp":"2024-04-24T21:10:19.453Z","type":"out","process_id":0,"app_name":"hubble"} hubble-1 | thread '<unnamed>' panicked at 'called `Result::unwrap()` on an `Err` value: MetricError { repr: IoError(Custom { kind: Uncategorized, error: "failed to lookup address information: Name or service not known" }) }', src/statsd.rs:61:14 hubble-1 | note: run with `RUST_BACKTRACE=1` environment variable to display a backtrace hubble-1 | You have triggered an unhandledRejection, you may have forgotten to catch a Promise rejection: hubble-1 | Error: internal error in Neon module: called `Result::unwrap()` on an `Err` value: MetricError { repr: IoError(Custom { kind: Uncategorized, error: "failed to lookup address information: Name or service not known" }) } hubble-1 | at rsCreateStatsdClient (file:///home/node/app/apps/hubble/src/rustfunctions.ts:90:7) hubble-1 | at initializeStatsd (file:///home/node/app/apps/hubble/src/utils/statsd.ts:47:3) hubble-1 | at Command.<anonymous> (file:///home/node/app/apps/hubble/src/cli.ts:388:9) hubble-1 | You have triggered an unhandledRejection, you may have forgotten to catch a Promise rejection: hubble-1 | Error: internal error in Neon module: called `Result::unwrap()` on an `Err` value: MetricError { repr: IoError(Custom { kind: Uncategorized, error: "failed to lookup address information: Name or service not known" }) } hubble-1 | at rsCreateStatsdClient (file:///home/node/app/apps/hubble/src/rustfunctions.ts:90:7) hubble-1 | at initializeStatsd (file:///home/node/app/apps/hubble/src/utils/statsd.ts:47:3) hubble-1 | at Command.<anonymous> (file:///home/node/app/apps/hubble/src/cli.ts:388:9)
  1. Follow the instructions in the monitoring instructions to set up Grafana and view your Hub's status in real-time.



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