Robotics in the vineyard

Vineyards are most interesting for investigating precision agriculture and robotics for the following reasons:

  • High-value crop (for fine wines)

  • Labor-intensive crop (all year round there are tasks in the vineyard)

  • Grapes are a perennial crop, so systems can be refined over a longitudinal study

  • Potential mixture of permaculture in between rows (because of deep rootstocks, and isolated irrigation drips)

  • Vineyards (like Costaflores Organic Vineyard) often use a 4-wire trellis, which could be useful for different robotic integrations, data transfer, charging, distributed solar energy collection, etc.

Developing "Robotics for Microfarms" is the mandate of the, lead by Jonathan Minchin.

The Openvino project is collaborating with the ROMI project to help is this endeavor.

Costaflores / Openvino is ideally suited as a development platform because:

  • This is a functioning, production, commercial vineyard.

  • Proper size: the grape production on the finca is <3Ha

  • Mendoza is a region where most tasks in the vineyard are still manual

  • Existing IoT sensor integrations

  • Existing and developing work log (How do you know which tasks to automate in the vineyard?)

  • Ideal physical layout: trellis, sensors, observation platform

  • LoRa and Wifi connectivity

  • Drone port

  • Blockchain and sidechain data registration

  • Costaflores is organic certified viticulture

  • Solar energy powered and conventional power available

  • Opposite seasons from Europe, allowing for two-season testing

  • Many available local technical resources

  • Excellent collaborative branding

To further this development, we are preparing an experimental vineyard at the FabLab Valldaura campus.