VeriVin animation

VeriVin animation



“Wine is unique! Every wine in the world is different.

Different grapes, different blends, different winemaking styles, and different vintages!”


  • flashing collage of country maps, grapes, colors, shapes.


“So, you just ordered a bunch of wine...maybe to resell in your shop or restaurant…or maybe just to drink.“


  • Truck unloading pallet of wines, in front of the “Wine and Dine” store

  • guy opens a box…pulls the cork out (with his teeth) and pours into a glass.


“but….how do you know that the wine INSIDE the bottle matches the wine you ordered, as described on the label?”


  • Looks inquisitively at the label - and the glass - not content.


“Did the winery actually ship you the wine you were expecting?

or did something else end up in the bottle? …

or maybe…something bad happened to your bottle as it travelled around the globe”


  • Quick sequence of bottles moving from truck - train - crane - boat - on the ocean sailing - sun, rain, snow - truck - back to unloading pallet.




“Sure…a winery can send off their wines to be judged by the experts!

And maybe you YOURSELF tasted the wines if you visited the winery.”


  • Person pouring wine from a barrel into a glass - handing it to a drinker who  raises card saying 95 points! - then the Drinker walks away…


“But how do YOU know that the SAME wine ended up in your bottles?”


  • Hose gets switched from the barrel to a different tank, with stuff floating in it, and the wine is pumped into bottles that begin again the sequence of bottles moving from truck.. (this time much faster)




“well…OpenVino and VeriVin have combined some really cool SCIENCE to solve this problem.”


  • OpenVino and VeriVin logos, side-by-side



“VeriVin developed what is called a non-invasive Raman spectrometer”


“And OpenVino has defined wine tokenization on the ethereum blockchain”


“With the VeriVin spectrometer, wineries can scan their wines, and create a digital fingerprint of their wines.”

  • person takes a bottle of wine from the pallet…puts into the scanner…presses a button..beep-boop-beep-boop-…and a numbered spectrographic profile appears…

“Simply insert a full, sealed, labeled bottle of wine into a VeriVin device, and let lasers, sensors, and fancy math do the rest!”


“Next, OpenVino validates this spectrographic fingerprint or VinPrint, and writes this information to the wine tokenization blockchain.”


  • the light profile graphic moves from the left to right sides of the screen, below the OpenVino logo, turning  into green matrix lines and ends up a courier font number stream circling a globe.




“Now, anyone in the world can rescan THEIR bottles of wine and compare the VinPrint on the blockchain to insure authenticity.”


  • shop owner takes a bottle, sticks into scanner…spectrographic image pops up, and compares to number on chain, and a green check mark appears.


“No more wine fraud, No more counterfeits.”


“To find out more…go to verivin.com and openvino.org


  • URLs and logos.

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